What's in My Bag: University Edition!


Since I'm going back to university in about a month, I've been organizing things I need to take back with me. and also since I bought a new bag, I thought I'd do a post of things I usually take with me to lectures and seminars. Let's get into it!

It's pretty important to get the right kind of bag especially since you gotta carry your things around in it for most of the day. I had a backpack for my first semester but found it really annoying because I like to be able to access my things quickly and easily so a side bag works best for me!

I spent about half of my first year taking a notebook to lectures and taking notes that way but as the year went on and I got progressively lazier and the 9am got harder to handle, I started taking my laptop since I'm a fast typer and it's 100% easier to type when you're falling asleep at your seat.

Still, depending on what I'm doing, I will take a notebook with me, mostly if I'm going to the library to study. In the one here, I've printed out and stuck lists of what the topic of the lectures and seminars will be each week so I know what's going on. I also carry whatever book (I'm an English literature student) we're focusing on that week with me. Headphones are pretty essential for me too since I listen to music wherever I go and it's good for when you have a longer walk to class.

These are more general, not study related things, I take with me. just things you usually need but I never seem to remember them when I need them.

A few more general things; a planner for activities and any work you need to write down. I just bought a pack of 28 sharpies (for £7!) so I'll be taking them when I go.

and that's about it. let me know what essentials you need in your bag! until next time, beth x

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